Circumference of Circle = PI x diameter = 2 PI x radius
where PI = = 3.141592...
Area of Circle:
area = PI r2
Length of a Circular Arc: (with central angle )
if the angle is in degrees, then length = x (PI/180) x r
if the angle is in radians, then length = r x
Area of Circle Sector: (with central angle )
if the angle is in degrees, then area = (/360)x PI r2
if the angle is in radians, then area = ((/(2PI))x PI r2
Equation of Circle: (Cartesian coordinates)
for a circle with center (j, k) and ra
dius (r):
(x-j)^2 + (y-k)^2 = r^2
Equation of Circle: (polar coordinates)
for a circle with center (0, 0
): r() = radius
for a circle with center with
polar coordinates: (c, ) and
radius a:
r2 - 2cr cos( - ) + c2 = a2
Equation of a Circle: (parametric coordinates)
for a circle with origin (j, k) and radius r:
x(t) = r cos(t) + j y(t) = r sin(t) + k
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